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Awards and recognition are a fantastic way to acknowledge success. Platinum Laser, offers beautifully crafted works to celebrate outstanding achievement of the highest standards…and we believe the quality of our awards match the quality of the effort. Any award can be used for any purpose, so we try our best to illustrate the symbolism behind each award. Bespoke awards are a great way to tell the story of your brand, to set yourself apart from the pack and to emphasize your values. Get in touch for a PDF with pricing and detailed descriptions. If you don't see what you're looking for, call us as we can source or design almost anything!

"Platinum Laser offer prompt, friendly and incredibly enthusiastic service. They like a challenge, and just because its not been done before, doesn't mean it cant be! I have thoroughly enjoyed working with them on my Hideseekers journey so far, and would have no hesitation in recommending their products and service to anyone looking to work with a smart, efficient, laser-cutter with a can-do attitude!"
Paula Murphy, Owner/Designer - Hideseekers