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Our Work

Laser engraving, laser cutting and laser metal marking for the corporate, commercial, industrial and retail markets. A wide variety of materials can yield precise and highly visible, small signage, electrical/machine labels, high quality awards, souvenirs and more.

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Platinum Laser has been a registered supplier with Auckland Council for over 10 years. We are a supplier of everything from small machine labels to outdoor, stainless steel plaques and everything in-between. You can also find our New Zealand souvenir line in various tourism shops such as Arataki Visitors Centre and Elephant House retail shops.

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The bottom line is that no matter the industry, we can service your lasering needs. Over the years, the requests that we have received have been wide and varied. Therefore our scope of practice and understanding is the same.

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"We have been working in conjunction with Platinum Laser both as a supplier and a customer for over 7 years. Platinum Laser provides an excellent service with a high standard of quality which in our line of work is essential."
R. Saunders, Director, Creative Acrylic Ltd.